A Kinder, Gentler Age.

A Kinder, Gentler Age.

I like old cameras, I like old film, and I like old houses, so this image gave me a happy. I’m not so fond of the pickup truck, but you can’t always get everything that you want. Cape May, New Jersey is the last town heading south on the Jersey shore. It’s a throwback in …

Nature Photography with SmartPhones

Nature Photography with SmartPhones

Probably the most alien, yet accessible world available for one to photograph is the Pacific Tide Pool.

Salad Days: Storytelling With Fuji XT2 Color Rendition

Salad Days:  Storytelling With Fuji XT2 Color Rendition

Doing a photoshoot in a supermarket was never high on my list, but there I was on vacation, three thousand miles from home, with only a travel camera and a kit lens. Luckily the camera was a Fuji XT2, and lens was Fuji’s XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4, the most capable kit lens I’ve ever used.   …

Nighttime Street Photography

Nighttime Street Photography

  One of the greatest advantages of digital photography is that now you can photograph the night like no one ever could before.