Exotic Portraiture: Split Light, Clarity and Vibrance

Exotic Portraiture: Split Light, Clarity and Vibrance

Sitar John Protopapas is primarily a World Music instructor at York College in York, PA. A study in diversity, John has a Greek background but grew up in South Africa and studied music in India.

Be Afraid.

Be Afraid.

“Kim Kardashian made 17 million dollers off her wedding.Divorced 72 days later & they’re worried about gays ruining the sanctity of marriage?”

Got to Shoot With a Master

Got to Shoot With a Master

Meet Jose ‘Tutes’ Tutiven, an Ecuadorian-American who is getting a ton of great commercial photo work and a lot of acclaim for his abilities. On a whim, I trekked up to Brooklyn to attend the Photoville Photo Festival in Dumbo, right under the Brooklyn Bridge. This is he sixth year running and it was held …

Sometimes You Just Gotta Dance With That Seagull

  Posted in Art, Asian, Cambodia, diversity, Ethnic, Portrait Photography, Travel Photography on

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Sometimes You Just Gotta Dance With That Seagull

Seaside Beach, Oregon

Gallery: Brooklyn as Rendered by Leica

Gallery: Brooklyn as Rendered by Leica

Art Give Voice and Tears Down Divisions

  Posted in Art, Asian, diversity, Ethnic, Event Photography, festival on

  by Administrator

Art Give Voice and Tears Down Divisions

I met Dave Kyu from the Asian Arts Initiative at the Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month Festival in Philadelphia in May of 2017.

Self Esteem is Using the Colors in the Mirror.

  Posted in Cambodia, diversity, Ethnic on

  by Administrator

Self Esteem is Using the Colors in the Mirror.